Development Day
Development Days happen twice a year (spring and fall) introducing and concluding each pathway module. In the fall, the focus will be on theological foundations, helping candidates work through position papers as well as connect theological concepts to everyday life and ministry. In spring, these days will mostly consist of hands-on ministry engagement related to module learning.
All ordination/consecration candidates are required to attend Development Days. If one is missed, it must be made up the next time it is offered.
To register, click here.
Peacemaker Level 1 Training
Pursuing Peace Together
This one day seminar is about learning to resolve everyday conflicts in life by focusing on the Gospel of reconciliation.
There is no cost for this seminar. All materials and lunch are included.
To register, click here.
Advancing Missions
Join other WPA pastors, mission leaders, and mission teams for an equipping event to help you lead your church’s missions engagement to the next level to further gospel access around the world. Hear from some of our International Workers.
Check back for more information and registration.
WPA District Senior High Retreat
For more information go to
Life Conference
A gathering of the next-generation Alliance family to experience God and expand His Kingdom locally and globally. Join over 6,000 others to worship and explore the calling, purpose, and opportunities for your life through transformational love of Jesus
Converge 2026
Converge is The Alliance’s annual gathering of pastors, church missions mobilizers, and anyone with a heart for missions to engage with innovative strategies, collaborate with like-minded leaders, and learn new skills to mobilize people toward greater engagement with missions.
ENGAGE is an opportunity for Alliance Ministry Students from various colleges to come to the National Office and learn about ministry in the Alliance and how they can serve with the Alliance after graduation.
For more information and to register, click here.
Alliance Peacemaker Level 1 Training
Resolving Everyday Conflict
This one-day seminar lays out the basic biblical principles of peacemaking and how God uses conflict to transform our lives. The training is for both leaders and laypeople.
Cost $15 (includes all materials, snacks, and lunch)
Register by emailing
Refresh Youth Leader Conference
Refresh is an annual gathering for Alliance youth workers, paid and volunteer, to encourage one another, share best practices, create friendships, and be refreshed through soul care.
For more information and to register, go to
Converge 2025
Converge is The Alliance’s annual gathering of pastors, church missions mobilizers, and anyone with a heart for missions to engage with innovative strategies, collaborate with like-minded leaders, and learn new skills to mobilize people toward greater engagement with missions.
For more information, click here.
Alliance Polity Course
The ALLIANCE POLITY COURSE will be taught in a two-day classroom setting on Friday and Saturday, December 13-14, 2024.
Instructors will be Joel Repic and David Lauffer. The time will be 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. each day. There is no charge to attend, but you do need to register and lunch will be provided.
The polity course is a requirement for licensing with the C&MA. If you anticipate pursuing licensing in the near future, or if you have transferred into our district from another district and have not yet taken the course, this is a perfect opportunity for you!
Please note, however, that completion of the polity course in this intensive format does not qualify for accredited programs or for credit with the Pennsylvania Bible Institute. It is primarily for ministry licensing purposes, and does meet the requirements of the Licensing, Ordination & Consecration Council of the Christian & Missionary Alliance.
Alliance Polity Course
The ALLIANCE POLITY COURSE will be taught in a two-day classroom setting on Friday and Saturday, December 13-14, 2024.
Instructors will be Joel Repic and David Lauffer. The time will be 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. each day. There is no charge to attend, but you do need to register and lunch will be provided.
The polity course is a requirement for licensing with the C&MA. If you anticipate pursuing licensing in the near future, or if you have transferred into our district from another district and have not yet taken the course, this is a perfect opportunity for you!
Please note, however, that completion of the polity course in this intensive format does not qualify for accredited programs or for credit with the Pennsylvania Bible Institute. It is primarily for ministry licensing purposes, and does meet the requirements of the Licensing, Ordination & Consecration Council of the Christian & Missionary Alliance.
Peacemaking Level 1 - Resolving Everyday Conflict
Alliance Peacemaking's mission is to change the culture of the Alliance family so we resolve conflict in a God-honoring way. To do this we use a biblical framework and common language to approach conflict.
This one-day seminar lays out the basic biblical principles of peacemaking and how God uses conflict to transform our lives. The training is for both leaders and laypeople.
People can register by emailing
This seminar is free and lunch and all materials are provided.
Alliance Polity Course
The ALLIANCE POLITY COURSE will be taught in a two-day classroom setting on Monday and Tuesday, October 28-29, 2024, at Greensburg Alliance Church, 4428 Rt 136, Greensburg, PA 15601. Instructors will be Brad Sickler, David Lauffer and Merilyn Lauffer. The time will be 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. each day. There is no charge to attend, but you do need to register and lunch will be provided.
The polity course is a requirement for licensing with the C&MA. If you anticipate pursuing licensing in the near future, or if you have transferred into our district from another district and have not yet taken the course, this is a perfect opportunity for you!
Please note, however, that completion of the polity course in this intensive format does not qualify for accredited programs or for credit with the Pennsylvania Bible Institute. It is primarily for ministry licensing purposes, and does meet the requirements of the Licensing, Ordination & Consecration Council of the Christian & Missionary Alliance.
If you have not already done so, please register below to let us know you would like to participate.
Peacemaking Level 2 - Conflict Coaching
If you are a Christian leader (ordained or lay), you are already coaching. This two-day live seminar equips you to coach better from a biblical standpoint to help other people see and resolve their conflict from a godly perspective. Certified conflict coaches become resources for their churches.
The completion of Level 1 is a prerequisite for this training.
The event takes place on both Friday and Saturday from 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.
The cost is $300 and includes all the materials and lunch on both days, but not overnight accommodations. WPA Licensed workers can save $100 off registration fee by entering “100” in the promo code bar.
To register, click here.
Legacy Builders Luncheon
Cost: $18
Presenter: LuAnne Baker Presentation Theme: Esther: Making Your Moments CountLuAnne Baker brings Biblical women to life using costume and story-telling. She will portray Aunya, Esther’s handmaiden, who tells of Esther being raised by her cousin Mordecai, the year-long beauty contest, going before the King, and risking her life for her Jewish people.
Questions? Meredith Cowman at or 814-938-6920.
Peacemaking Level 1 - Resolving Everyday Conflict
Alliance Peacemaking's mission is to change the culture of the Alliance family so we resolve conflict in a God-honoring way. To do this we use a biblical framework and common language to approach conflict.
This one-day seminar lays out the basic biblical principles of peacemaking and how God uses conflict to transform our lives. The training is for both leaders and laypeople.
People can register by emailing
This seminar is free and lunch and all materials are provided.
Becoming a Praying Church Webinar
Guest - Rev. Daniel Henderson, Author of Transforming Prayer
Register by emailing
All those who register will be sent the link for the Zoom meeting.
Peacemaking Level 1 - Resolving Everyday Conflict
Alliance Peacemaking's mission is to change the culture of the Alliance family so we resolve conflict in a God-honoring way. To do this we use a biblical framework and common language to approach conflict.
This one-day seminar lays out the basic biblical principles of peacemaking and how God uses conflict to transform our lives. The training is for both leaders and laypeople.
People can register by emailing
This seminar is free and lunch and all materials are provided.