

2025 Official Worker Licenses


2025 licenses were been mailed out on Tuesday, January 21 and were a few weeks late due to an incorrect mailing address from the National Office. If you have not yet received yours, please notify our office to have yours redistributed (814-938-6920).




Congratulations to Leah and Jake Potter (Leah, Dir. Disciplemaking Ministries at Dorseyville) on the birth of their daughter, Gabriella Renee, born November 15, 2024.

NEW Alliance Lay Preaching Certificate


Starting this fall, ACLD (Alliance Center for Leadership Development) plans to begin developing cohorts of online learners, under the direction of a personal mentor, to prepare them for the ministry of preaching. The program will be just under a year long, designed to flex around the schedule of day-to-day life and work. By God’s grace, they plan to launch in English and one or two alternate languages as soon as fall of 2025, and then continue adding language options until they are able to provide training for every language group worshiping within The Alliance (which is over thirty!)


Children’s Missions Project Update


Thank you for your generous giving to this year’s Children’s Missions Project. To date, $6,313.39 has come in towards the “Let Love Grow” project helping Josh and Jaclyn Blanchard to produce children’s YouTube programming in Cambodia.

Our churches still have plenty of time to contribute as this project goes until May 31, 2025. To request resources (stickers, poster, brochures, prayer cards, or small erasers), please contact Meredith at 814-938-6920 or More information, including ways to give and video promotions, can be found on the missions page of our District website.

Thank you for promoting and supporting the Children’s Missions Project!


We can't wait to see the entire Alliance Youth family in Indianapolis from July 4-9, 2025 for Life 2025! To ease your planning, we’ve got you covered with the LIFE Leader Planning Guide and Cost Estimator available at These tools are packed with fundraising ideas, daily schedules, leader checklists, and so much more to ensure your students are ready for an unforgettable conference

Have questions for the District Office about Life 2025? Contact Meredith at