Operation Christmas Joy
Quotes from previous recipients of OCJ:
My wife and I were surprised to once again receive an Operation Christmas Joy gift in the mail yesterday. We were not expecting such a wonderful act of kindness. It is a blessing that is gratefully accepted as God's provision for us. Thank you very much!
God bless you all and those who gave so that we might be blessed.
- Pastor & wifeThank you so much for the check from Operation Christmas Joy. With the extra expenses due to a surgery in January, the extra money is very much appreciated. Thank you for thinking of us.
- Pastor and wife
Operation Christmas Joy is a cherished tradition in the Western PA District that enables our community members to both give and receive blessings. This initiative invites local churches and individuals to contribute gifts or financial support to help pastoral families, whether active or retired, who might be experiencing financial challenges during the holiday season. It’s a wonderful chance for everyone to share the blessings they have received from God.
Each year, OCJ generously provides gifts for over 100 pastors, evangelists and retired workers during the holiday season. If you are able to help bless some of our WPA pastors, please complete the online contribution form to let the district office know.
If you are an official worker in the WPA District, please complete the online Official Worker form to apply.